National Volunteer Week! Welcome Jo

What better way to celebrate National Volunteer Week than welcoming Jo to the team! An exciting time in the office, as we welcome our new volunteer Jo.
We are delighted to welcome our new volunteer Jo, who will be a key member to our office team helping keep all the operations running efficiently. We’re excited to have Jo volunteering with us bringing her wonderful energy and skills to the office.
Thank you so much to all our wonderful volunteers for your support, time and for choosing to volunteer with the Ella Dawson Foundation. We are so grateful for your support, we couldn't do the work we do without you!
If you are interested or know someone looking to volunteer or join us for work experience we have lots of flexible part time roles available :)
#NationalVolunteerWeek #charityvolunteer #TeamElla #cancercharity #cancersupport #cancerwellbeing